Unlock 59 Fill-In-The-Blank Email Templates That Made Over $1,000,000+


*Limited Time Offer*

What’s Included?

8 Webinar or Live Virtual Event Invite Templates


5 Sales Open Cart Email Templates


5 Community Welcome Email Templates


8 Free Resources Email Templates


10 Book A Call Emails


12 Lead Generation Emails


3 Limited Time Only Templates


1 Testimonial Request Template


2 Conversation Starting Templates


Total= 59 Fill-In-the Blank Email Templates


Total Value: $397


Regular Price: $97


Today's Price: $27


Unlock The 59 Templates
Note: These are templates that you can download, copy, and fill in for your business. These are proven templates that take the workload off of your shoulders.Ā This pack will save you 10 hours on average!

What These Templates Are For

  • Getting High Ticket Sales Calls
  • Building Repair With A New Audience
  • Generating Sign Ups For Your Masterclasses
  • Have 5-6 Figure Cash Months
  • Making Your Email Profitable
  • Getting Your Email List To Take Action

And More!

Limited Time Bonus

1 Mini-Course on ā€œHow We Make 6 Figure Months Through Email Copyā€

Iā€™ll walk you through how we are able to maintain 6 figure months through our email strategy. This course will show you how you can potentially do the same with the use of these templates. By the way, our emails have a 35% or more click-through rate which is unheard of!

YES! I Want The Limited Time Bonus

Are these templates plug -and-play? Yes, you simply fill in the blanks to each email and complete them within minutes!

Here Is How It Works

  • Step 1: Pick the email template suited for your email needs
  • Step 2: Replace the highlighted information with your own information. I’ll provide examples of what information you should include and the best ways to phrase them.
  • Step 3: Insert the suggested subject lines.
  • Step 4: Upload the email and get ready to schedule to send it

It’s not about the size of your list, but rather how many people on your list you can get to take an action that leads to a sale!

8 Emails= 100,000+ Live Event Sign Ups!

We have used these exact webinar sign-up email templates which have led to overĀ 100,000+ people attending our webinars WITHOUT PAID ADS!

5 Open Cart Sales Templates= $87K+ Launch

We ran 5 emails over the course of 5 days and were able to generate  $87K+ cash from email alone!

Note: These plug and play templates will give you hours back to your life. These are copies of emails that we have used or made for clients that have been successful. This takes the guess work out of what to write.

Who Will These Email Templates Work For?

ANYONE with service based business that wants to make more sales with more ease through email.





Agency Owners 


Service Providers


Enough Said, Iā€™m Ready- I want In!