Are you someone who…


Has built a successful business, but are feeling burnt out with your current schedule?


✅ Dreams of owning a profitable business, but not sure how you’ll realize that outcome?




  • Replace your stressful 1:1 offers with volumes of low ticket that made money while you slept?!
  • Leave your 9 to 5 for good because you created a business that exceeded your income?!
  • Make daily money without having to work more than 10 hours per week to produce the income you desire
  • Travel around the world, spend time with family and/or friends, or even sleep while making cash?


It’s ALL possible with the strategies…

Let’s be honest…

  • You’re bought courses, invested in coaching, and spent hours working on a business that produces far too little for the time you’re investing!

  • You want a very profitable business that scales to multi 7 Figures, but you want that income without the headaches or increased workload!


A Passive Income System For High and Low Ticket Sales



Inside the Passive Income Model , You will be able to…



PASSIVELY MARKET to your ideal

clients 24/7


INCOME scaling strategy

I Want In

When you Join You Get…

Live Teaching and Review 

Live Teaching with Multi 7-Figure Mentor

Coach T has amassed multi-millions in sales and structured her business to bring in $100k/mo+ without a single 1:1 offer or phone call. She will meet with you weekly to learn how to create a passive income business in your niche.

Live Review

In  this offer we review your passive income offer, marketing strategy, and close statistics to help you scale your offer in a way that works for you. We are not cookie cutter and know that your journey will be unique. This allows for custom advice that you can act on right away.

I Want In

Passive Income System

Passive Income Offer System

You’ll be able to define a profitable niche, decide on a passive income product, and choose the best price for sales. This system will help you stand out from your competitors and offer something that differentiates you from them!

Passive Income Replacement System

You’ll learn the strategy for starting to replace your current income with streams of passive income for your new passive income business. This works for new business owners and existing business owners.

Passive Income Marketing System

You’ll learn how to market your new products and offers through email, social media, and to existing clientele. This is a $0.00 marketing system that can help you go from unknown to sold out.

Facebook and Instagram Post System

You’ll learn how to create Instagram and Facebook posts that get your ideal audience interacting. From here you’ll get the formula to plug and play our posting strategy that has generated millions of responses for your business.

Facebook and Instagram Reels Post System

You’ll learn how to create Instagram and Facebook reels that get your ideal audience interacting. From here you’ll get the formula to plug and play video strategy that has generated millions of responses for your business.

Passive Income High Ticket System

You’ll learn how to move your customers from a low-ticket offer to a high-ticket offer without sales calls or having to chase leads.

5 Figure Email Close Strategy

You’ll learn how to sell five-figure offers through an email strategy. This system will help you identify hot leads and close them over email.

I Want In

Templates For Success

Email Marketing Templates

  • Passive Income Introductory Offer Email
  • Passive Income Limited Time Sale Email
  • Low Ticket To High Ticket Offer Bump Email
  • The Cold audience Warm Up Email

Viral Reels Templates

  • Viral Reel Formatting Template

Lifetime Access

  • When you join the Passive Income Model this program remains yours. You don’t have to worry about losing access. You’ll be able to review lessons, replays, and ensure you don’t need another course on these topics.
I Want In

Plus All of These

these Bonuses


Valued at $5500

Pay In Full Bonus

 Private 1:1 with Coach T to help create your Passive Income Product offer


Valued at $6000

Design Templates

This bonus will allow you to quickly plug and play to create your product with ease. We’ve done the hard work of designing the product and formatting it for the best aesthetics. All you need to do is fill them in with your information.

I Want In
  • You’ll be able to identify one area of your existing income to replace with passive income 


  • You’ll learn how to attract 10-20 high-ticket sales leads per week without a single call


  • You’ll learn how to get existing clientele to continue purchasing with you


  • You’ll be able to create a passive income offer that makes you stand out in your niche


  • You’ll have a marketing strategy that helps you stand out
  • You’ll be able to identify the most profitable industry to start your business


  • You’ll learn how to get your first 100 raving customers


  • You’ll learn how to become an EXPERT in your new industry


  • You’ll learn how to start replacing your current income with passive business bucks


  • You’ll have a marketing strategy that helps you stand out
I Want In
  • You’ll be able to identify one area of your existing income to replace with passive income 


  • You’ll learn how to attract 10-20 high-ticket sales leads per week without a single call


  • You’ll learn how to get existing clientele to continue purchasing with you


  • You’ll be able to create a passive income offer that makes you stand out in your niche


  • You’ll have a marketing strategy that helps you stand out
  • You’ll be able to identify the most profitable industry to start your business


  • You’ll learn how to get your first 100 raving customers


  • You’ll learn how to become an EXPERT in your new industry


  • You’ll learn how to start replacing your current income with passive business bucks


  • You’ll have a marketing strategy that helps you stand out
I Want In

The Passive Income Model



✅ Live Teaching with Multi 7-Figure Mentor

✅ Live Review

✅ Passive Income Offer System

✅ Passive Income Replacement System

✅ Passive Income Marketing System

✅ Facebook and Instagram Post System

✅ Facebook and Instagram Reels Post System

✅ Passive Income High Ticket System

✅ 5 Figure Email close Strategy


✅ Private 1:1 with Coach T to help create your Passive Income Product offer

✅ Design Templates

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